Monday, February 24, 2020

Intertextuality in Films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Intertextuality in Films - Essay Example Intertextuality occurs in popular media such as television shows, movies and even interactive video games. Intertextuality is often used to provide depth to the fictional reality portrayed in the medium, such as characters in one television show mentioning characters from another.intertextuality was first proposed by Julia Kristeva . According to her a single text that can consists of many texts or it is act of changing one set of the sign into another. the use of intertextuality is perhaps the most useful and essential method of ensuring a successful show or film in today’s marketplace. as there are many sources of entertainment available in today’s life apart from films, it is very useful for modern directors to attract a particular audience. many directors and filmmakers refer to previous and old books, novels, songs, history or remake many popular films because the audience get familiar with the next story they see hear or read will remind them of something they hav e already experienced. it is the tool available to the filmmakers to take advantage of is the collection of text, people, ideas, new inventions, that interact with each other to form a framework or community in which to relate the thoughts and influence each other. It is the relationship, influence and conversation between the texts. One of the example is The O.C. is the best example of television using intertextuality, with its frequent references to movie characters and comic books such Spider-Man, and Star Wars protagonist Luke Skywalker. ... films on superhero Superman are also inspired by his herioc actins and stunts in comics and stories and series on television. Drama series Lost has a huge number of interextual tie-ins, including websites, broadcasts, and even a novel written by a character, which purport elements from the series to be real.Not only does the concept reveal the author's sources, it also aids in understanding the text at hand. Through intertexuality the reader may recognize concepts that possess similar qualities of a previously read work. Since the reader is familiar with texts that a work may or may not have built from, the reader him/herself has found an avenue into the text through the work's relationship to other texts. The discovery of a relationship provides the reader with a starting point which aids to unfold the meaning of the piece. The reader will find it easier to uncover the avenues that exist into the piece if he/she has read a wide range of books. For example within a film(one frame) an advertisement (other frame) of a product can be shown, such as billboard in a scene. The film in turn is a part of genre movies or film. On television, advertisement, often allude to other advertisement of the same product such as series of advertisement of the same products or television personalities or is the standards of textuality in discourse analysis but is also relevant.Intertextuality is closely related to media and film industry. for example many films begin with the credits rolling as a car, a train or stage travels across a landscape and arrives at a town. It may refer far more than influences of the writers to each other. On television, advertisement, often allude to

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Development of the plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Development of the plan - Essay Example dinate with the different practitioners and with the public health sector for them to come up with a vaccination program which the patients and the general public can access in their pharmacies. With the coordination of the public health sector, the proper vaccines can be set forth and can be recommended for purchase. The overflow from the public health offices can be directed towards the pharmacies in order to de-clog the lines for people availing of said vaccines. In order to set this up in the pharmacy, a corner of the pharmacy can be set aside for the administration of vaccines. The administration of vaccines can first be cleared with the general practitioners in order to ensure that the patient availing of the vaccine can safely receive the vaccine. This corner would have to have a licensed pharmacist or possibly a nurse who can help administer the vaccine. Proper sterile techniques would have to be employed in this corner. A washroom would also have to be available to the medical staff in order to ensure that hand washing techniques are applied by the staff before and after each vaccine is administered. Materials used (disposable) have to be discarded safely through proper disposal techniques. Such corner would also have a waiting area for the patients to wait their turn and for patients to rest soon after the administration of the vaccine. Monitoring of vital signs by the nurse would have to be employed before and after the administratio n of the vaccine in order to ensure that the patients are healthy and have no adverse reactions to the vaccine. There are other newer vaccines available in the market. Vaccines for recently emerging infectious diseases include: H1N1 and meningococcemia. These vaccines are often limited in number and only administered with the coordination of the WHO. The pharmacy has to coordinate its sale and administration of such vaccines in order to ensure that the vaccine goes to the right persons – the high risk patients